Thursday, 25 August 2011

The Wobble Factor

Welcome to The Wobble Factor, with the blog finally back to full service, its back to basics this week.

What better way to start off my post than with some new Skrillex. The first track is apparently entitled 'Right Here'. Im not to sure how true this is because its it clearly a remix of Incontext's Just Believe.

Skrillex - Right Here (DuB!f_ck edit) FREE DOWNLOAD by DuB!f_ck

This next track is something a little different from Mr. Skrill. he's teamed up with KnifeParty. This track has more of a Major Lazer vibe goin for it, and as expected is awesome. But unfortunately its only a clip...

Knife Party ft. Skrillex-Zoology by arntrela

Nero will be my second act this week. The duo have pretty much the changed the course of Dubstep over the last few weeks. They managed to get No 1's in the UK single and album charts, and have proven that Dubstep is more than just loud noises. This first track is not on the album and surfaced litterally days ago.

SebastiAn - C.T.F.O. (Nero Remix) by Tom Moon

This second track is my favourite track off of the album and well I just had to post it..! Be sure to check out and even buy there amazing album here.

And to wrap it up this week I've got some new Avicii. The 21 year old Sweed has done it again with this fantastic solo effort featuring Yolanda Selini.

Avicii - Enough is Enough by rhapsody1447

Last but no means least is a collab with David Guetta. I mean please do I even need to say anymore.? Dont forget were you heard it first..! Peace.

David Guetta & Avicii - Sunshine (Original Mix) by Cobra Records


Right I normally hate when i see the phrase "I just had to share this with you" but now i can see why I have seen it so many time. You hear something that is soooooo good you have to share it with people. I eat my words!!

This is Alexander from Estonia. Goes by the name 'Interaction'. Amazing tunes that I JUST HAD TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU!! Liquid DnB at its very best here! Check out his Soundcloud (link below) I couldl of easily posted his entire profile!..............Enjoy

Interaction - What a View by interactiondnb

Interaction - While It Last by interactiondnb

Interaction - Rolling Oranges(demo v3) by interactiondnb

Interaction Soundcloud -

Get Hyped On These!

Introducing Sulex, who claims to be experimenting with music at the mo. I think that most people will agree with me that he needs to stick at the Drum & Bass. Quality tunes! Entitled 'Reborn' & Faith. From Slovakia..... Sulex........Enjoy

Reborn by Sulex

Sulex - Faith by Sulex


Next we have a 2LOL Favourite 'Breeze Block' with a brand spanking shiny new promo for us to enjoy. Entitled 'You Knew Before'........ Enjoy. PS Leo if you're reading this send me a Full Version of this Plzzzzzz!!!

Breeze Block - You Knew Before (Promo) by Breeze Block

Breeze Block:

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Half Way There!

Loving this production this from 'BCee'. I normally see him on the remix or a collab, but this solo effort has a great Liquid Feel. released in September on Spearhead..................Enjoy

SpearHead Records:
Soundcloud -
Website -
Facebook -
Twitter -

Facebook -

Massssive remix next up from 'Dimension' love the drop on this. Top marks to Dimension.................Enjoy


Next we have a debut tune from A.M.C (Alex Mark Calvert). He has been a resident on DNBTV behind the decks, now we have his first studio effort, and what an effort is its. Entitled 'Time' remember A.M.C!


COLD BLOODED:!/crystalcleardnb

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Now Normally I cant stand Drum & Bass tunes with rappin/Mc'ing in them but there is something about this i fucking love! Think this is a mamite tune! Enjoyyyyy

Next we have a what u call it........ BANGER! Thsi is a fantastic tune by 'Cinkoz' Originating from France I give to you Cinkoz - Aurora

From The Age Of Existence LP
Released on Live & Dangerous
Cat Number: LDDSLP1
Release Date: 15 August 2011


Cinkoz homepage

Now this i am happy for. I loved th production on this track but hated the singing tht was in it (no need)! Thanks for the release of this! Navigator - Bad Minds INSTRUMENTAL!!

Finally tonight! We have all senn the advert, and for those like me wandering, A -Who did this tune B - What does the whole tune sound like and C - Those uptight bitches not impressed that, not only pieces of fruit with Russian accents were driving but the had hydrolics!! Well here is the answer (maybe not for C though)!


This tune has a special beginning,.....and middle,....... and end. You know what, it's just a very special tune overal. So please, if you find the first 20 seconds odd, please don't just click away , just wait and let the tune lead you.

About Chinensis :

Free Download:

All I can say about this next choooon is - Its sooo smooth and I LOVE IT!!

Last and by no means least a spanking new remix by 'Feint' Loving the synths, comes with a free download Enjoy!!!

TwoThirds - 23 Reasons (Feint Remix) by FeintDnb